Sanders neck and neck with Clinton in Nevada

Not him but also an Aussie who is otherwise healthy and not living in fear of bus-rape-based-bankruptcy; I would assume that you either have a job that covers your healthcare benefits or you pay out of pocket direct. Either this or you pay as you go - which sounds insane to me and if this was the case I'd question your logic on a whole new level, I digress.

It has been proven a number of times that insurance based models simply cost the individual more. Plain and simple you have companies that are out for profit; the government (assuming no corruption of course) isn't. Any leftover will be rolled into something else and any shortfall covered from somewhere else. Long story short whenever you present for treatment; you get treated.

Back to your question of how will you not notice it in your pay packet; when your employer is no longer bound to provide you health care then their expense to employ you decreases. Sure that correction may not be instantaneous but it will happen. It's also of course up to the individual to have the ability to negotiate this with their employer (like any pay situation). Long story short you end up with more in your pocket and zero cares in the world if you get into serious medical distress.

The phrase "I hope this is covered" isn't something I have ever heard in this country and both my grandfathers have successfully been treated for cancer, a long time family friend had multiple disk replacements, my sister has had a child, my wife has had a child, my mother is booked in for back surgery and my co-worker sitting across from me is having two hernias removed in a month. Not a cent directly out of pocket and all (except the births) unplanned for medical things.

Oh yeah I also travelled to the USA and passed out on Santa Monica Pier and had a CT scan done for a fine price of 9000. We had travel insurance but I've had probably 6 of those purely for precautionary measures back in Aus at random times without paying a cent.

Life's fucking good in universal healthcare mate.

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