Sanders pulls crowd of 27,500 in Los Angeles

Me visiting a country is not the gauge of wealth.

This is. And this.

The US is almost double the richest country in the world.

Sure, but that's the nation's wealth. There is little correlation with the wealth of a nation and the wealth of its citizens. I'm not sure what your point is here.

Ooohhh no there not. Globaly, impovrished is defined as living off less than 2$ a day. The lower class in the US is unimaginably wealthy compared to the rest of the world. You should know this, you are the world traveler here, or did you only visit safe trendy touristy areas?

Someone will always have it worse off. That's not an argument. Are you really trying to say that America's poor aren't really poor unless they're living in mud huts eating insects? Instead of looking at the poor people in Ethiopia as a baseline, why don't we look at the poor of countries a bit more developed?

I previosly foolishly assumed you had a good handle on economics. I was wrong, and so are you. No, spending money does not help an economy more than saving and investing. That is econ 101. Okay, so we shall continue this conversation under the assumption that you have no economic pedegree and are simply repeating talking-points when we discuss that subject.

Rad ad hominem bro!

Consumers drive the economy. People buy things or services, which gives a business money. The more things or services are bought, the more money the business has. This allows a business to hire more people to keep up with increasing demand, which gives more people money to buy things and services.

Is saving and investing important? Of course it is. But that's not what drives an economy at the local level.

Unless you are Elon Musk and decide to invent space-tourism and mass produce gas-less vehicles, creating countless new jobs and entire job fields.

Now I'm starting to think maybe you're trolling. Surely you don't think that Elon just created SpaceX and Tesla with his own money. It's extremely rare for any business to be created without outside money. Elon made a significant investment, sure, but then he got others to invest in his company. Without all of those other investors, those two corporations wouldn't exist.

Either way, most of what SpaceX does is for NASA, not space tourism. And Tesla vehicles aren't mass produced. They're made to order. There still isn't a huge market for them either, especially at the price point that they're currently at.

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