SandersForPresident mods are banning everyone, including Bernie supporters, as Bernie loses 3 of 3 states decisively tonight in what might be Sanders’ last stand.

I wasn’t aware Ralph Nader ran in the democratic primary in 2000 and Bernie ran as an independent in 2016 to split the vote. Thank you, political history understander.

You clearly aren't aware that both campaigns are empowered by their voters and cults of personality, regardless of party. Much like trump.

Bill Clinton was absolutely a moderate and an incredibly talented campaigner. He won. But also look at who he was running against: a split republican field. He only got 43% of the popular vote after all.

Always a favorable excuse why moderates win and a disfavorable one when leftists never do.

While Obama was a moderate Democrat when he was in office, but in 2008 he ran on a super progressive platform of “Hope and Change” that brought a lot of young people, myself included, out to volunteer and vote for him.

Hope and change isn't a leftist platform. The fsct that no leftists can actually name any policies Obama actually ran on that is like Bernie sanders indicates he really isn't. Also, Obama kept most of his campaign promises and he got re-elected in a landslide. So either he campaigned on moderate policies and won re-election on them, or you have to do some more 4D chess to explain away the logical inconsistencies.

Like Bill Clinton, Obama was also an extremely gifted campaigner and speaker.

Like Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and now Joe Biden, he got the black vote. Bernie never has and he never will. That and the suburban vote are what carry democrats, not the youth vote. Bernie has proven that twice now.

Dennis Kucinich had some brief popularity, but he never really got anywhere close to off the ground.

Not what was said during the primary season then. Back then he was a surefire winner among leftists because of the articles of impeachment he drafted against Bush. Until the votes came in and he got nowhere.

Howard Dean was a promising candidate in 2004 until his campaign got sunk by all of the electability talk and Iowa went for Kerry.

You man by his lack of electability. Bernie is only a more successful version of a long line of leftist losers.

Maybe I’m wrong and Biden ends up getting elected then enacts amazing progressive social democratic reforms.

He won't enact socialist reforms because he's not a socialist and unlike socialists he has to win and then work with non-socialists.

If that’s the case, I would be ecstatic. But I sadly think that if he does get elected, we’re looking down the barrel of another moderate third-way Democratic presidency full of austerity and means-tested policy.

Given that we're going into a recession and Republicans are likely to still hold the senate, yup, probably going to be some policies you don't like. Maybe if that Bernie Revolution occurred in some red states we could get different outcomes, but for some reason it stays in blue.

It's pretty obvious you guys aren't happy if there's progress under non-socialists, because you need people to be in suffering in order for your ideology to have appeal.

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