Sanderson's latest blog, where he talks a bit about tweeking a book post-publishing.

The only significant corrections are:

Page 1256 last 5 paragraphs Current: Szeth did not parry. He just closed his eyes. Kaladin drove his Blade into the assassin’s chest right below the neck, severing the spine. Smoke burned out from beneath his eyelids, and his Blade slipped from his fingers. It did not vanish. Get that! Syl sent him, a mental shout. Grab it, Kaladin. Don’t lose it! Kaladin dove after the Blade, dropping Szeth’s corpse, letting it fall backward into the stormwall. It vanished among the wind, the rain, and the lightning, trailing faint wisps of Stormlight. Kaladin grabbed the Blade just before the storm consumed it. Then he Lashed himself back upward, passing along the stormwall,

Replacement: Szeth did not parry. He just closed his eyes to accept the attack. In that instant, for reasons he could not have articulated—pity, perhaps?— Kaladin diverted his blow, driving the Blade through Szeth’s wrist. The skin greyed. Flashing with reflected lightning, the sword tumbled from the assassin’s fingers, then dulled as it plummeted. The glow fled the assassin’s form. All his Stormlight vanished in a puff, all Lashings banished. Szeth started to fall. Get that sword! Syl sent to Kaladin, a mental shout. Grab it. “The assassin!” He has released the bond. He’s nothing without that sword! It must not be lost! Kaladin dove after the Blade, passing Szeth, who tumbled through the air like a rag doll, buffeted by winds toward the stormwall. Kaladin furiously Lashed himself downward, snatching the Blade just before the storm consumed it. Nearby, the assassin dropped past him into the storm and was swallowed up, leaving Kaladin with the haunting image of Szeth’s limp silhouette being driven into a plateau below with all the tempest’s force. Raising the assassin’s Blade, Kaladin Lashed himself back upward, passing along the stormwall,

Page 1257 paragraph 3 Current: “That was very nicely done,” she said. “Perhaps I’ll keep you around this time.”

Replacement: “I didn’t kill him,” Kaladin said. “Did you want to?” “No,” Kaladin said, surprised that it was the truth. “But I should have anyway.” “You have his Blade,” she replied. “The Stormfather likely took him. And if not . . . well, he is no longer the weapon he once was. I must say, that was very nicely done. Perhaps I’ll keep you around this time.”

Page 1258 last 2 paragraphs – page 1259 first paragraph Current: “This is going to happen again?” Kaladin said. “That other storm is still out there?” “Yes,” Syl said, sitting on his shoulder. “A new storm. It’s not of us, but of him.” “Will it be this bad every time it passes?” Kaladin asked, surveying the wreckage. Of the plateaus he could see, Replacement: He found no sign of Szeth’s corpse. That could mean the man had survived somehow, or it could just mean the storm had buried the body in rubble or blown it away, leaving it in some forgotten chasm to rot until the bones were finally picked over by an unfortunate salvage crew. For now, the fact that Szeth had not summoned his Blade back to him was enough. Either he was dead, or—as Syl had said—the strange weapon was no longer bound to him. Kaladin didn’t know how to tell. This Shardblade had no gemstone at the pommel to indicate. Kaladin stopped at a high point of the plateau and surveyed the wreckage. Then he glanced toward Syl, who sat on his shoulder. “This is going to happen again?” he said. “That other storm is still out there?” “Yes,” Syl said, “A new storm. It’s not of us, but of him.” “Will it be this bad every time it passes?” Of the plateaus he could see,

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