[Sanity Sunday] Why do racists keep reblogging my posts?

You are no exception.

You neither, fuckhead. You're the gay community's equivalent of the house nigger that tells black people that if they would just stop resisting the police, they'd stop getting killed by them. There aren't enough razor blades on the entirety of the planet to put on a dildo for you.

Because things have really changed in the past 20 years in the way of social acceptance. They're by no means perfect, but don't act like people just get a slap on the wrist for being outwardly and blatantly racist.

Called it.

Even then you must understand that your own personal experience doesn't represent the way it is for anyone that happens to share your sexuality/race.

No, that's what you need to understand. You not getting your shit pushed for being gay doesn't mean it doesn't happen to anyone else and you're a ridiculous caricature of anyone that shares your sexual preference for bothering to let that stupid shit roll off of your finger tips and be released into the wild. Not that I expect you to understand the reasoning behind the difference. If you did, you would never have taken that position to begin with.

The only argument you can soundly and confidently present is with statistics, and like I said, I made a personal statement.

it's not nearly as bad the way liberals want to pretend gay people are getting beaten and murdered in the streets.

Yeah, whatever. Blow it out your ass. You deserve the religious fanatics that want people like you burned to death, being as perfect a parallel as could possibly exist to the klan and the white moderate.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com