Sarah walks after 5+ hours in the police station with Wrangler

No writing two 400 word essays about something you don't care about, makes you a fan boy.

So first I was a fanboy with a throwaway. Now I'm a fanboy for responding to your comments, and because you checked my account age, realized this isn't a new account and so it must be an alt.

My 400 word essays aren't about the characters in the situation this thread is discussing. I don't care about the situation, it played out, and more shit will play out because of it.

I do care about how toxic and whiney this subreddit is though. People like you who need me to be on a side so you can function. I have to be a fanboy, with a throwaway, no, an alt!

Like I said, way too fucking invested in finding a side there. Have you considered seeking out healthy social relationships offline, rather than this parasocial shit you're red flagging for right now? I promise you, whichever streamer you're mad for doesn't actually give a shit about you, nor care about whatever you're mad on their behalf for.

Did notice you're a Hasan viewer though, so maybe outrage is all you know.

You have a good one bud.

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