Sariah Wilson on Twitter: "The Last Jedi" director Rian Johnson confirms that there was no pre-existing plan to have Kylo Ren/Ben Solo die in Episode IX. The idea to kill off the character was J.J. Abrams' decision in "The Rise of Skywalker".

I think it's reasonable to say that anyone with a passionate enough opinion to post about Star Wars online is probably in the minority compared to the overall size of the audience that have watched them.

No matter how you try and frame the data; when you consider that TFA made over $2 billion at the box office alone and the size of the various forums of discussion on the internet compared to it, there's no competition.

But fans absolutely do have a sway, I have a friend (and his brother) who didn't like TLJ and his parents asked if he wanted to go see TROS and he said no. His parents obviously don't massively care about the franchise but he and his brother did, losing four ticket sales in the process rather just two. I've heard other scenarios like this too.

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