Saturday Special: All About Undertones

I would love some undertone help too!

Here's the cleanest picture of my face I can get with natural lighting, and here's a similar one where I'm wearing my glasses. At this point I'm starting to accept that I may just be a neutral and that's the end of it. I look best in gold jewelry, however really warm colors tend to look somewhat "off" or pull too yellow-y on me. True cool colors also give me some serious corpse face vibes (which I'm not always against tbh). I started noticing something was weird when I got this liquid lip and it looked completely brown on me and the purple tone disappears.

My skin also seems to pick up the tone of it's surrounding light source, as here are two pictures taken within a few seconds of each other that leave my skin looking completely different shades, warm version cool version so I'm just left utterly confused. Another example is this picture, taken in the same spot with the same natural lighting from my window but I think I look almost completely warm here and I can't tell if it's just from the specific products I'm wearing giving me that look? (An orange blush mostly)

I wear NW 20 in Mac Studio fix powder, but truth me told that has always felt a bit too pink for me too. I was fascinated by the knowledge of "fair olive" complexions too and thought "well that must be me!" for a while, but I think that was a pipe dream and I'm just a regular old fair neutral.

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