'Saudi Arabia has grown so miserable it conspires with Israel against Iran'

You had the crown prince a while back call trump a good friend of the muslims. The house of saud don't care about Islamic populism or Arab populism. They fight against both to maintain their rule and selling oil for dollars for the Americans.

The saudi family finds itself sandwiched by political islamists Turkey and Iran due to having a saudi foreign policy which is essentially American foreign policy. They could've stopped all of this back in 2001 by using mecca and madina as a platform against American lies and imperialism. Their days are numbered and are making it far, far too easy to support an international Islamic revolt against them.

What makes it even worse is them supporting ISIS and using it as an instrument of instability. This gets no fucking coverage on western media or Arab media because theres just too much disinformation. We see "ISIS" pop up in Afghanistan now. Oh yes, the Americans are now having "problems" in Afghanistan. It's really hard to maintain the bullshit narrative of the war on terror. They're still there for Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran. Hopefully we'll see a made in china version of Afghan mujahideen and see American bases cleansed from the region.

/r/iranian Thread Parent Link - presstv.com