Saudi women who wear the Niqab, how has Face ID on the iPhone X affected you?

I’m really surprised at the hostile nature of some of these responses. I was hoping for a more hospitable subreddit. I shouldn’t have to provide a personal context to explain a genuinely curious question, but here goes.

I’m a Brit and also a Muslim. I’m also a techie who own an iPhone X. My wife actually wears the niqab herself. We’re curious to know if other niqab wearing women have found Face ID a deal breaker and are opting for the iPhone 8/Plus instead, or whether using a passcode is sufficient when out and wearing the niqab. It may help inform our decision when buying my wife her next phone. As a generally curious techie also, I wanted to know how much of a business impact Face ID may have in the Middle East for Apple where many customers may be inconvenienced by switching from Touch ID to Face ID.

/r/saudiarabia Thread Parent