Save The World Dev Update (12/4)

This has to be one of the most boring updates I've seen in a while. Nothing here is really that exciting or game-changing, no mention of bug fixes. Down crafting and Act III are all well and good but I've been past Canny for forever, and the crafting thing should've been in since day one. We're applauding them doing things that have been gold standard in games already? How many years in development and I'm supposed to shit myself cuz you finally finished Act 3 in a game with 4 Acts? Any word on the stupid insane Perk Up requirements, or reimbursement for? Cuz that really is just a number tweak, is it that hard to come to a consensus on something more manageable? Is there going to be a fix on being locked out of missions until after you jump through annoying hoops just to get back in? I love that everyone is thrilled but I'll reserve judgement.

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