Savings and retirement planning with a DB pension

I know what my goals are. I don't know what is realistically achievable. Some things (particularly having a family and when that will happen) are out of my control. I can take steps towards it but can't plan a timeline. Could happen this year. Or it might not happen until 10 years later, or maybe never. Depends on many external factors outside my control. How do you financially plan around that?

Without going into TMI, some abnormal things already happened in the past emphasizing the futility to over-plan major life changes. We can only control so much.

For a few years I just kept a lot of money in HISA/GICs in case I started a family soon. Now it's a few years later, no family, and actually lost money vs inflation. Do I keep everything in HISA/GICs indefinitely in case "this year is the year!". Could be 10 years later with no returns. Alternately, I could invest in equities or index funds to get a better long-term return. Then I end up starting a family in 3 years, need the money, only to see the market is down and I lost a lot.

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