Saw this man yesterday when i was in mecca. Letting a cat drink from his palms when he couldn't find a cup

I'm not going to spend my (actually) peaceful Sunday morning looking at the fucked up shit Muslims do

Ahh yes. The classic "I refuse to look up proper sources to backup my argument and way of thought because, frankly, I like to live in ignorance and keep that small thought of 'What if I'm wrong?' deep in the back of my head." response.

Sharia law bro... is that a suprise to you?

Nowhere in Sharia law does it tell Muslims to kill dogs. There is no verse in the Quran about harming dogs. There is no saying by the prophet about hurting dogs. There is nothing in Islam telling it's followers to abuse animals. It's the complete opposite.

“Seest thou not that it is Allah Whose praise all beings in the heavens and on earth do celebrate, and the birds (of the air) with wings outspread? Each one knows its own (mode of) prayer and praise, and Allah knows well all that they do.” (Qur'an 24:41)

In Islam, all animals are innocent. They are all considered to be Muslim, and they are all granted heaven upon their death.

“A good deed done to an animal is like a good deed done to a human being, while an act of cruelty to an animal is as bad as cruelty to a human being."

The ONLY exception is the killing of animals such as rats, that can spread disease, during a plague.

pictures and evidence on both Google and bing

I don't think you understand the importance of a good resource, nor do you understand what a good resource is. Have you ever written a proper research paper? They go over this stuff in highschool. You don't even need a higher education to make sense of this concept. You don't expect me to take you seriously, do you?

You are so under the influence of propaganda; it bleeds through your comments.

You fail to provide sources to back up your argument, and you immediately resort to spewing hatred and insults, both outright and "subtle", in order to attempt to gain some sort of foothold in the discussion. It gives you nothing.

To me, you're just another ignoramus who can't be bothered to do their own research, and just relies on the sayings of various hate groups that conform to your own lifestyle, using their sorry excuses of "resources" and "evidence" for yourself, failing to realize how weak, ineffective, and completely useless bases for actual argument they are.

In America people start movements, protesting the opposition and vocalizing their concern for the status quo.

And how many times have Muslim leaders come out and condemned the actions of multiple terrorist groups? How many times have Muslim communities come together to help support the victims of these attacks? Muslims communities do start movements. They do start fundraisers. They do voice their concern for the terrible acts of these other "Muslims", yet you don't know about any of it! Why do you think that is?

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