Saw a red orb, took a video, and turned out to be triangular?

Long story man. It was 3am one night, stood up to shut my window and saw two golden balls of flashing light dancing across the sky just in the distance. Called my brother in to come see quickly and they were gone when I got back from dragging him in to look. Then moments later while I’m telling him what I’d just seen and how it was magical looking, he cuts me off and diverts my attention to across the street, and yeah, spawned in out no where was just a stereotypical UFO, we looked out and there were three around our neighbourhood/street. They didn’t know we were watching. After 15 minutes or so of watching them fly around, I thought fuck it and started flashing my phone torch at it. I think I gave whoever was controlling the craft a massive fright because the craft stopped dead in it’s tracks, turned and looked at me, then after 10 seconds it came down to my bedroom window. Just to get a look at what the blinking light was or maybe to say hello. I saw the craft in great detail it had a three competent engine. Grid of globes and two exhausts that emitted what I can only describe as purple, glittery, golden star dust. It was roughly 3-4 metres from us, just hovering mid air. It was incredibly frightening but also quite beautiful. Do not recommend unless you enjoy the feeling of your heart beating out of your chest and PTSD. Not knowing if you’re about to be abducted or not is not a good feeling. Whoever these beings or crafts are they’re incredibly advanced.

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