I saw this and thought of this sub immediately and couldn't stop laughing

That audio clip is such horseshit

It's a recipe for being extremely anxious all the time like you need to do something great. Real courage is accepting that you most likely won't do anything great, and living a quiet and dignified life. Real courage is being kind to the people you encounter, and not stepping on others just to make a buck and be known.

Mid 17th century artist Johannes Vermeer painted The Little Street, to show how interesting a dignified a quiet life can be.

But he had communicated a crucial – and hugely sane – idea: much of what matters to us is not exciting, urgent, dramatic or special. Most of life is taken up dealing with things which are routine, ordinary, humble, modest and (to be honest) a touch dull. Our culture should focus on getting us to appreciate the average, the everyday and the ordinary.


/r/antiwork Thread Link - v.redd.it