Scaremongering clickbait or relevant discussion about nuclear war? This journo dragging up stuff from the 60s and 80s for his story...

What do you think OP?

The author is very forthcoming with the circumstances which have lead to nuclear exchange being discussed. He cites the "The incident at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant" even including a link to an article. Do you agree or disagree with the author's suggestion that the incident has heightened discussion about nuclear exchange?

It should be noted that after an introductory paragraph, the author plainly state nuclear exchange is unlikely. He he is clearly posing hials article as a hypothetical, and is being forthcoming in using dated research.

He writes informally at times. He injects humour into his piece.

Do you think this is scaremongering? I think to suggest that it's scaremongering you'd need to point to where the author is saying (against evidence) nuclear exchange is likely.

As to whether it's relevant discussion? I think it depends on your take. Do you think the author is writing a commentary on foreign affairs and the war? Or do you think he's writing an interest piece? Ie, is it just a hypothetical posed for the interest of his readers?

I suggest the latter. So it's relevant discussion insomuch as it's relevant to your interests.

And also, this is why we need to teach critical thinking in a hurry. Knee jerk reactions such as to a headline claiming scaremongering and clickbait (such as OP's) are another form of disinformation.

/r/newzealand Thread Link -