Scarra on the Current Meta and why it is unhealthy

I agree with Scarra, after playing on several live patches and PBE before ranked was officially out (elise demon/gunslinger meta). I personally found the aggressive meta to be the most enjoyable. since it forced people to be flexible and to play with what they had at the time since if you sandbagged for too long you'll lose the game for 40 health in 3 rounds.

In my opinion this is probably the least skill expressive meta since no one cares about the early game, and you're going to top 8 if you don't rng into a key unit before everyone else. Since now a days diamond/gm lobbies throughout every major region (NA/EUW/KR) from my experience people are all sandbagging and playing the same exact comp every single game, and if you don't hit the unit required for your comp (draven/akali/jinx) you're going to top 8 since everyone lives long enough for their comp to go fully online before people die. Whereas before you had the option to play for the early/mid game in order to lower peoples health significantly, so even if they hit those key units by sandbagging for gold they could be knocked out early on before their comp fully goes online.

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