Scavenger in Shanghai.

I think you mean a bottle picker. People may laugh at this guy but when you gotta make ends meet it’s an easy way to earn some extra money, and also do a bit for the environment.

source-grew up in a tourism community and my dad taught me from a very young age that if you have the motivation to get out and do it, you can make a lot of money. I was around 9-14 years old and in the busy months I could make an easy 300 per week just by getting my ass out of bed at 6:30 am and hitting all the recently vacated tourist cabins for the empties. I started an apprenticeship and had been making relatively good money for years and I still carry the habit of recycling. I’m had to rely it on a little more and actually get out to earn that extra money these last few months as times have been tough. You do what you gotta do man, don’t let people judge you for making your own ends meet.

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