Scavs shouldn't be able to choose a map.

Honestly I've been thinking about scavs being a potential main character for awhile now

There's scav bosses already, and a system of respect through fence.

It's not too outlandish to have a system where you "main" scav by having a severely decreased access to supplies. No traders asides fence, and a rep system that increased by doing scav tasks (kill x pmcs, grab x food items etc)

With increased rep you'd start spawning In with more and more scav AI partners until you're essentially a scav boss.

Maybe in the future of 2055 when 1.0 drops you'd even have the ability to move from map to map clearing out sessions that were ending of loot and dropping it off at your various scav depots

I'm spitballing now but hey

/r/EscapefromTarkov Thread