[Scene] You walk into a sleazy bar on the 50th floor of a skyscraper in Sargon, the Steampunk capital of the solar system.

So, Tendoc.

Tendoc runs a bookstore on the planet Aeron as a front for his real business as an information broker/hacker/special weapons dealer/bounty hunter network coordinator. Little is known about his past, aside from his time in the short lived, highly controversial Ghost Squadron, a team of elite soldiers along the lines of Delta Force assembled from a number or Secra Alliance worlds. (Let’s assume our little story is outside Alliance territory.) Tendoc claims to be 55, but he is almost certainly much older.

Alec, the main character of my series who likely won’t be appearing in our collaborative tale, spends a time working for Tendoc as a bounty hunter/hired gun.

And now, Cessa.

Roliss is a country on the planet Secora. Cessa’s father is the king. She has two siblings; an older sister who will inherit the throne, and a younger brother. Not that they matter that much here. Cessa grew up practicing her family’s tradition of Lannkah, a fancy sword fighting technique. She’s badass with a blade.

Three years prior to this non-canonical story we’re collaborating on, Cessa was traveling with Captain Alec Smith and his ragtag crew. Happiest time of her life, good friends, good fun, fighting evil, facing danger, getting romantic with Alec... when she was seemingly killed when she was accidentally trapped in an airlock during an eddy-storm (a tear in the fabric of space/time) which caused the ship’s tech to go haywire and launched her out into space where she was seemingly vaporized by a bolt of energy from the center of said eddy-storm.

I know that was a run on sentence, and I think this is as complicated as it’s going to get.

Anyway, Cessa ends up not dead, but a few thousand years in the future on the last remaining human colony where she is recruited in their existential fight against an invasive alien threat from another galaxy that wants to wipe them out.

Blah blah blah, she fights the good fight, she loses and eye and and eardrum which are both replaced with cybernetics, and eventually she makes it back to the present a couple years later through some nonsense I’m not diving into, but she feels out of place in her old life so she begins working for Tendoc. At the point of our story, she’s been working with him for about a year, and Tendoc has enlisted her to help him find something he lost a long time ago. He refuses to go into detail about what it is, so Cessa is in the dark.

The ship Cessa is renting from Tendoc is a small thing, room for a crew of three. They only have two, so there's some extra room.

If you need to know anything else before we continue, just ask.

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