Scheduled to catch the bus tomorrow

Please don't! There are people you don't even think about who will mourn over your death, feeling empty and cold inside knowing you are gone forever.

I was at hospital for the first time when I was 15 and just yesterday a friend I haven't met in ages told me that at least 3 of the 20 teens we were back then are dead today because they took their own lives (I am 24 now).

I struggle with suicidal thoughts myself and planned to go through with it within the next months. But this feeling right now... I can't describe it... I experienced single losses over the years due to natural causes, cancer and suicide but knowing that 3 out of 20 kids who were treated for depression suicided horrifies me. This is what depression does! There are people involved you don't even think of now who will be affected and who will be devastated! And there are people willing to listen to and care for you. Please do not kill yourself!

Please seek help! May it be your family, friends, a hotline or an institution! Please consider therapy (even if it is for the x time)! Please write me a message if you have no one else to talk to! I am here for you!

/r/SanctionedSuicide Thread