Why do scholars believe the dueterominic books like Kings predate the books of genesis and exodus?

Some scholars might, but others don’t. Richard Friedman argues for his model of the Documentary Hypothesis in Who Wrote the Bible? that Genesis and Exodus are composed of the Yahwist, Elohist, and Priestly sources, which he situates the former two as being early in the 1st millennium BCE and the Priestly as being around the time of King Hezekiah, a dating which he bases on elements in the texts as showing particular theological and geographical interests reflective of those times.

Although it might be natural to speak of Abraham trekking to the land of Canaan from the land of the Chaldeans as speaking to the exiled Jews, since the Chaldeans ruled Babylonia only beginning in 625 BCE.

/r/AcademicBiblical Thread