School board meetings are now the hottest place to let loose and go wild. deleting them boy genius. and youre the awful pathetic know-nothing here, pushing misinformation and lying about basic facts like you know, pretending that half of Europe wasnt open to unmasked kids and their schools. Ignoring basic science from scientists, lying about the effectiveness of cloth masks and limiting the spread of covid.

Keep reporting though since youre so triggered by facts and how wrong you are, you anti-science know-nothing with an agenda. keep projecting

lol zero backed sources. Reporting comments out of frustration because you know cloth masks dont work. lol so triggered. report more comments, crybully.

So mad mad youre mad when realizing he got everything wrong. what happened to european schools were all closed? what happened to covid affects kids? what happened to cloth masks work?

now repeat your little stay mad since you cant defend your df "facts" predictable little redditor

keep repeating you mad mad mad or angry angry angry for days out of frustration . good little trggered doggy

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