School Lockdown Door Locks.

As a non American that's far too long. A key point though early on is that people with guns are a pain in the ass to deal with. Sure I concede that.

The whole thing is still absurd. Nobody else comparable to the US feels the need to be protected against their own government. That fools errand that is unlikely to happen and even if it did you are still going to be screwed anyways is supposed to be worth the price paid to buy it?

It does not make sense. I understand the US has a very me and mine, I can do it attitude but more and more we are seeing "good guys with guns" get shot becuase police can't tell the difference. I mean at what point does the weight from "you know this could be a real pain in the ass if the government does something I don't like and I can convince all my mates to join the battle with me" (unlikely in a very divided nation to be fair) tip the balance.

I am sure it would be awfully inconvenient for the government if evey gun owner also possessed nukes, tanks and so on but nobody wants their neighbour to have a nuke in the yard and they definitly don't want the asshole down the street having them or the drunk guy in the pub to be able to text in some launch codes.

Guns are a severe public health hazard in the US and yall don't even have universal healthcare to take care of the wounded. In the same way many other weapons are and those are all totally fine to make illigal. Best leave the guns alone though becuase some guy who died ages ago figured they would be a good thing for people to have.

You no doubt have addressed many of these points in your rather long post but it seems very much aimed at fellow Americans and is unlikely to convince others who just stand at the sidelines baffled.

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