Science Communicator and Skeptic Rebecca Watson on Teaching Indigenous Knowledge in the Science Classroom

Europeans didn't believe the Moa existed because Maori had passed on the knowledge and bones of Moa for generations- but it must be a monster they made up silly locals. Then a European spent ages having to prove to England that the Moa must have been a bird with fossil evidence and it still took them ages to believe him.

British didn't beleive Maori were astronomers and could navigate just by stars - mo maps- across the Pasific and throughout New zealand on land and water anytime of year.

The most specific yearly sun dial was created in Korea. But only recognised by the western world when the design of it was recreated by the British as his.

Egyptians used acidity in fruit to create light bulbs. Too bad the Romans thought it was magic.

If you want to know more examples find your own. Because let's face it you don't want evidence of real science when a white coat isn't involved.

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