Scientist Man's Plan to Save Star Wars (RedLetterMedia)

TPM has Duel of the Fates, which is some of the best SW music ever. TPM has some great action. TPM is not interesting insofar as the QuiGon/ObiWan/Anakin arcs are not especially individually interesting, and the Amidala/JarJar arcs are tangential.

All Star Wars Films are kids movies, except for perhaps Revenge of the Sith. Not because RotS is more mature, it's just blatant about dismemberment and death and suffering. There is plenty of death and suffering and dismemberment in most of the films, including A New Hope, but it's rarely the focus. Not never- the charred skeletons of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru actually made a big impact on me and plenty of other people as to how evil the Empire is. While those were Hollywood props, that was the first suggestion to me that people might burn other people to death for their own gain, a pretty big departure from what I was used to- the Wacky Races consequences of the villains modestly, temporarily, hurting others.

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