Why scientists are fighting back. We’ve had enough of Trump’s war on facts - The president’s savaging of environmental safeguards is a direct attack on reason and research

I'm sorry - but...how about y'all clean house in academia, grants, reproducibility, publishing, et al...and then come and yowl at us plebes with your outrage?

Kinda wonder how hard OP is screwing grad students; for being a professor he certainly has oodles of time to spam the everloving hell out of Reddit with trash slacktivist op-eds like this one.

And yes, it's a bit of whataboutism on my part...freely admitted. Don't think it's wholly fallacious.

I'm inclined to think that scientists have job security and grant money to lose here; this doesn't pass the "What do they get out of this?" smell test.

Didn't see this rage in the 90's, or the 2000's, or the like...suddenly Trump is in office in the sky is falling? Mm...yeah. Questionable.

Why aren't all these pie-eyed scientists marching on the embassies of China, India, and the Philippines?

Why aren't they addressing the socio-economically regressive and damaging nature of their ivory tower proposals? I'm sure things are just great for them with their middle class salaries - try meeting CARB standards with a 10+ year old car making $8/hr.

I'm sorry, but what a load of shite.

/r/EverythingScience Thread Link - theguardian.com