Scientists discover two new cannabinoids: Tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP), is allegedly 30 times more potent than THC. In mice, THCP was more active than THC at lower dose. Cannabidiphorol (CBDP) is a cousin to CBD. Both demonstrate how much more we can learn from studying marijuana.


Marijuana is still "vIlIfIeD" by society your perception comes from the recent news it was legalized in Illinois, don't fool yourself this was a political move it's something it took years to decided and one of the reasons is bc in Chicago the crime rate is very high and there're lots of drug dealers and criminals it's much better to make it legal since isn't as addictive as cocaine for example you ruin the business for illegal trafficking all the way to Mexico reducing violence, you can tax the legal business allowed to sell, consumers prefers to buy it under a store bc is safer with guarantees and you can control not selling it to underage people.

Plus vilified or not this isn't an impediment for scientists to study it.

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