Scientology is launching a TV network with streaming options

Hmm... I see some redditors are actually afraid of Scientologists?!

But not me!

So allow me to say:

Hey there you Scientology-Leadership-Scumbags!

I think you are a bizarre, aggressive, evil-minded cult--a highly dangerous cult--that warps people's minds... rather than focusing on goodness and positive things in life, instead oppresses and subjugates the minds of your many members.

Your dumb-@ss leadership can't even acknowledge that your entire so called "religion" (aka: cult) was founded by a Sci-Fi writer as a joke (gone very badly wrong), in the 20th century!


I actually love your members, but I despise your Scientology "leaders" (dictators is more like it)... and likewise have great disdain and detest your goon-squad enforcement members.


I fully hereby authorize the Reddit-moderators to release my IP address history to you, so that you can track me down, and file a defamatory law suit against in me in a court of law!

This will also allow you to send your goon squad after me, to try to intimidate me, in which I will use such opportunities of confrontations with them, to have a lot of fun at their expense...

and also film all my encounters with them, and subsequently broadcast them in youtube and elsewhere!

So ya... hit me with your best, you slithering Scientology-Leadership-snakes!

I'm very much look forward to the opportunity of demonstrating and proving my counter-claim in a court of law, with tons of media quotes, and past-victim statements.

I also really (REALLY!) hope that if you do file a law suite against me, it attracts A LOT of media attention! Tons of media attention!

A virtual media circus, so the entire world can see what a bunch of dumb @sses you are!

And if a law suite trial happens (and again I'm REALLY hoping it does happen due to my comment here on Reddit!)...

I also hope my fellow Redditors here will morally support me, and help increase the amount of attention you are going to get in your lawsuit case against me, if that happens!

So... go for it!

I dare you!

Hit me!

(And see what happens!)

/r/technology Thread Link -