Scoring question-PSAT

Basically shoot for something higher than a 1480 and you’ll almost definitely qualify to apply for the actual NMS. The actual cutoff score varies from state to state but the hardest ones are typically not higher than 1480 if my memory is correct. Some tips.... For the reading section, make sure you annotate and don’t be in a rush with your heart beating out of your chest. If you annotate it will engage you more and thus making it so you don’t have to look at the passage to answer every single question and saves you a TON of time. For the math sections, it goes through Algebra II so make sure you know your basic solving for variables, functions, equations of lines, circles, and parabolas (Circles and Parabolas are a bit further into Algebra II so I’m guessing they don’t show up a bunch on the PSAT), exponent rules, and simplifying stuff. I took it today, I got a 1200 my sophomore year but I’m 99% sure I got above a 1400 today and 99.9% sure I didn’t miss a single question in the math with no calculator section and only like 2-3 for the other sections, but narrowed the possible answers down so I had a 50-50 chance.

/r/Sat Thread