Scotland will become the first country in the world to embed the teaching of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex rights in the school curriculum, in what campaigners have described as a historic moment

Mmm I'd rather read "children are being transed" that supports it. Have you read that one? I bet not. Because like me and like you, we are drawn to what we side with. See, humans will always have differing and splitting opinions on things. I'm just honest, I dont care to read your biased resources. I'd rather read mine. After all mine are backed by "case studies" and "science" also and yes they may have been funded by special interest groups but so are yours. Are you really different? Btw I dont care to read ANY of it. I have far better things to do with my life. Just sharing my opinion on here is all. And one more thing, I think kids first hand experiences of "LGBT class" uncomfortable questions trumps your refuting of a conspiracy theory. Ok, last thing you are arguing with a virtual identity you dont even know how I really feel about things. I may just be trying to troll you and everyone else on here. Or maybe this is my own case study on people using information resources that support their agenda. Just never know.

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