Scottish MSP Humza Yousaf talks about how Malcolm X inspires him - Try to guess the Youtube channel before clicking

I think it’s hard for the opposition tbh. How exactly can you counter complete pie in the sky utopian ideas? People can’t accept that it’s not true


When the SNP is offering ''free money and no more issues ever!!!!!!'' as their manifesto - with zero plan or policy to back it up - they can say whatever they want and their sycophantic supporters will spread those same lies.

They'll meme themselves into independence if they're stupid enough, and like a dog chasing its tail they won't know what to do when they get it.

Suddenly there'll be an - understandably angry and frustrated - England/UK next door which doesn't own them any favours - with a lot more money and people - and Scotland will become basically North Sea Lithuania.

/r/badunitedkingdom Thread Parent Link -