Screaming coming from my neighbours apartment. Cops called.

I try not to talk about it too much, but it's something I sometimes need to; but my wife was the one screaming "help me!" for ten fucking years, while the cops ignored her regular attempts to report it. They never intervened. It's why we both fucking hate cops, and why she has no deep love for living in Japan, let alone her home town. She has ptsd and I have a temper of my own - I sometimes yell at the computer, or the cat, and it triggers flashbacks. Sometimes she just comes to me and hugs me, because something triggered her and she needs to hug it out.

I'm so deeply ashamed that, for years, I didn't realize how the things I did by myself in another room (i.e. get upset at things) hurt her so deeply. I kept saying, babe, I'm not upset at you! Let me vent my emotions, ok? But it was triggering her, for years, and I just didn't realize it. I didn't need to be upset with her for it to terrify her.

Don't just call the cops. Talk to her. This is too big for you to gamble on the cops giving a shit. They very likely don't.

/r/japanlife Thread