Screaming Toddlers and little kids

Sweet jesus, I was babysitting today and although the kids are usually pretty great today they were shrieking helldemons who would not stop yelling, hitting each other, and generally irritating each other. It was an unusually exhausting day with them and I was relieved to go home and have a quiet night. THEN I REMEMBERED I NEEDED TO GET GROCERIES. I usually love grocery shopping and find it relaxing, but tonight it was not.

I heard 5 children in the grocery store yelling/throwing things/running around like animals. One mother made an attempt to quiet them in the form of yelling back at them. I saw a kid put a bag of marshmallows in its mouth and then drop it on the ground and the mom just put it back on the shelf. I literally hit one of them with my cart by accident because they were zigzagging around the aisles and the father was not watching them. At least those ones were quiet though...

/r/childfree Thread