[Screenshot] It's good to know Sony listens to our reports.

Two things to remember: 1) With the content being as inappropriate as it was for a chance that children could stumble across it so easily, action should have been taken immediately. The group could have at least been temp removed or suspended until they determined an appropriate action to take against the group founder and the members making the comments within the group. If there were some sort of legal actions being taken and they didn't want to destroy the evidence or couldn't, it could have been removed from public view at the least until whatever actions were taken. 2) The images involed full exposure sex scenes, including moneyshots. This is obviously unacceptable. I shouldn't have to explain this any further. Sony deserves the blast for that one. Not for some of the shit people try to lay on them at times, but for that one......yeah they do. Even tho it was possible it was a purposely trollful (not a word, I'm aware) community. Action still needs to be taken against people that do things like that. The purposely toxic portions of the Playstation Community need to be weeded out.

/r/PS4 Thread Parent Link - imgur.com