Screw Apple, Screw Google, And Screw Epic Games

He's not wrong, dare I say more than right.

Even though Epic has a "say" against Apple's Anti-Trust there's no altruism in Epic's maneuver ...

Even though it is Epic fighting for it's own monetary gain. If they succeed then that helps all the smaller developers that would have no hope of fighting Apple. Corny, but it does apply, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I'm not supporting Epic cause I believe they are doing this for everyone, I am supporting them cause they are picking a fight with Apple. Of which when the dust clears, if Epic is left standing, it will be better for everyone.

Same with the Disney Vs. Sony comparison. Yah I hate both, but if Sony won I'd stop getting movies of one of my favourite characters in one of the most complex and best movie franchises in history. So in that fight I am with Disney, even though I hate Disney all around.

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