Screw you if you have a family and want insurance. This comes out to more than half my paycheck (biweekly). Not to mention this is a extremely high deductible plan. Might as well take a lower paying job so I can get insurance from the state.

A month ago, husband had sudden debilitating pain, ended up in the emergency room, then to a specialist, had blood work done, then surgery to remove the cancer they'd found.

Before insurance, we're nearly $50k, after insurance, approaching $5k.

Today he had his scans done to see if he needs more surgery, or if we go with chemo or something else.

If we hit our deductible this year of $10k, it means I won't have to pay any additional money to finally afford the eye surgery I've put off for a decade because insurance deems it unnecessary because it would prevetatively stop my retinas from detaching, rather than waiting for them to detach one day from the tears in the back of my eyes.

So glad I don't have to pay higher taxes so that I can pay health insurance premiums, so that I can pay tens of thousands of dollars even though I have fucking insurance. I hate this stupid country sometimes.

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