Screw this, Nobody wants to talk to me about my problems, no one is going to care when I kill myself!

I occasionally post my e-mail address to people on this place and others when they say nobody cares and they just need a friend. So far none have ever taken me up on my hand in friendship but then again that's probably due to my social phobia which kicks in and I delete it my message after a few minutes or an hour at most, cause well, my fear of rejection even in a place where the people can't possibly be in a position to judge me is still too much for me.

I mention this because you seem like a good candidate for that, and I have a backstory that probably would be of interest to you in the screenwriting and filmmaking industries.

But then I'm autistic/spd/asp and house a lot of trauma in my past, and I don't think anyone in the entire world should ever try and be friends with me. I mean, I'm not suicidal at this moment but I used to be in a very bad place and even if I rationally know that it's stupid for me to hate myself now I probably always will. So well, I can't even handle Skype tho so for now I just send e-mails back and forth to the only friend i still have, and I feel a lot of guilt every time I waste his time with my existence.

ah well... I'm sure I'll delete this message in a bit but [email protected] so if you want to talk about your problems and/or filmmaking stuff, passion or anything else I'm the best match you could ever hope to find on any of those topics. I've... had an interesting life at least, and I'm very passionate about some things and so maybe it's fate that I happened upon this thread. Well... I'll leave it to fate cause I know myself well enough that I'll be deleting this soon.

So... I got a bit away from my point but I do generally care about the well-being of others and I bet other people do as well, so I suspect your animosity towards their character is misplaced. Yes... some people here are a bit misguided from what I've witnessed and they act as motivational posters without truly understanding the scope of the suicidal mindset. But I'm the real deal when it comes to screwed up and so I even gave my e-mail address which gives you access to my existence.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread