Screw PvP we need SBMM in this Heist playlist my goodness.

I have sherpa'd dungeons and raids before, including stuff like Duality and Vow.

Heist Battlegrounds pushes my patience to the limit. If I am at the Warmind entrance and the other two players are still bot-walking into lasers in the futurescape building, something is wrong.

Recently I have been loading in and making it as easy as posisble for the randoms by spawnkilling the warsinger then clearing all three nodes of the gunk before progressing the final node. The idea is that the randoms will be able to clear the first two nodes without having to worry about the warsinger.

Except that never happens. I reach the Taken node and turn around and they're both dead. If an activity has last guardian standing perpetually on my screen for almost the entire duration, then something is wrong.

I love this activity, its my favorite of the year, but holy shit I need PVE matchmaking. I sherpa newbies but we have discord so I can explain the mechanics and provide kind build input. Random idiots unloading shitty auto rifles into unstunned champs is infuriating.

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