Script to bake Maya graph editor scene time warp (In Comments) v0.02 by henry foster, [email protected] (03/07/2014)

Bakes Scene Time Warp to selected objects, and optionally deletes the timewarp afterwards.


import hfBakeTimewarp as hfBT


all flags are optional. defaults are to affect all selected objects, and use the existing playback options for start and end.

import maya.cmds as cmds def bakeTimeWarp(,start=cmds.playbackOptions(q=1,min=1),end=cmds.playbackOptions(q=1,max=1),killWarp=True): # for each frame between start and end, query time1.outTime and time1.unwarpedTime # for each object, get each channel with at least one keyframe set # for each channel: # get the value of the channel at outTime # set the channel to this value at unwarpedTime and set a keyframe for i in objects: dupe = cmds.duplicate(i,po=1)[0] if not cmds.attributeQuery('bakeTimeWarpConnection',node=i,ex=1): cmds.addAttr(i,ln='bakeTimeWarpConnection',at='message') cmds.connectAttr(dupe+'.message',i+'.bakeTimeWarpConnection') for x in range(int(start),int(end+1)): cmds.currentTime(x) outTime = cmds.getAttr('time1.outTime') unwarpedTime = cmds.getAttr('time1.unwarpedTime') for i in objects: # build a list of all keyed channels. keyables = cmds.listAttr(i,k=1) keyedChans = [f for f in keyables if cmds.keyframe(i+'.'+f,q=1,n=1)] dupe = cmds.listConnections(i+'.bakeTimeWarpConnection')[0] for chan in keyedChans: val = cmds.getAttr(i+'.'+chan,t=outTime) cmds.setAttr(dupe+'.'+chan,val) cmds.setKeyframe(dupe+'.'+chan,t=unwarpedTime) # now reconnect anim curves from the duplicate to the original. then delete the duplicates and finally remove the timewarp. for i in objects: dupe = cmds.listConnections(i+'.bakeTimeWarpConnection')[0] chans = [f for f in cmds.listAttr(dupe,k=1) if cmds.keyframe(dupe+'.'+f,q=1,n=1)] for chan in chans: animCurve = cmds.keyframe(dupe+'.'+chan,q=1,n=1)[0] oldCurve = cmds.keyframe(i+'.'+chan,q=1,n=1) cmds.connectAttr(animCurve+'.output',i+'.'+chan,f=1) cmds.delete(oldCurve) cmds.delete(dupe) cmds.deleteAttr(i+'.bakeTimeWarpConnection') if killWarp: timeWarp = cmds.listConnections('time1.timewarpIn_Raw')[0] cmds.delete(timeWarp) bakeTimeWarp()

/r/Maya Thread