Here's a script I've written that grabs drivers from a computer and stores them logically somewhere.


Smashed this bad boy into a (very) basic function if anyone needs it. Import, run, specify PC and you're away! (Just edit to put the proper destination path for drivers) function Get-PCDrivers ($PC) { $WMI_OS = gwmi -ComputerName $PC -Class win32_operatingsystem $WMI_CS = gwmi -ComputerName $PC -Class win32_computersystem

$OS = $WMI_OS.caption
$OSArchitecture = $WMI_OS.OSArchitecture
$Manufacturer = $WMI_CS.manufacturer
$Model = $WMI_CS.systemfamily

$TODAY = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd'

$DriverPath = "c:\Drivers\$OS\$OSArchitecture\$Manufacturer\$Model"
$DriverListPath = "$DriverPath\driver_list_$TODAY.txt"

if (Test-Path $DriverListPath) {
    write-output "I have already got the drivers for this $Manufacturer $Model today I am going to skip it!"
} else {
    New-Item -Path $DriverPath -ItemType Directory
    Export-WindowsDriver -Destination $DriverPath -Online |
    Sort-Object classdescription |
    ft providername, version, date -GroupBy classdescription |
    out-file -FilePath $DriverListPath


/r/PowerShell Thread