Script To Pull Historical Price Data from Binance

Well, yes. After installing all required packages so it runs I am getting the following error:

david@binance:~$ python

Which base currencies would you like to grab data for?(eg. BTC or ETH,BNB or BTC,ETH,BNB,USDT) USDT

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 176, in <module>

pair_list = grab_currencies_list()

File "", line 19, in grab_currencies_list

list_preference = input('Which base currencies would you like to grab data for?(eg. BTC or ETH,BNB or BTC,ETH,BNB,USDT) ')

File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

NameError: name 'USDT' is not defined

With BTC the error is analogous.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread Parent