She scrolls this sub every day. 25, lives with mommy. Let her have it.

I'm not going to lie, you look nice. Someday you'll meet a guy and you'll get along, go on some great dates and then you to become a thing. Before you know it he asks you to marry him. You of coarse say "Yes." You ended up having a great wedding, your family get along nicely. After a few years you decide to have a kid, its a boy!
You realize that having a kid can be very stressful. So you drink some wine, then some more, and some more. You realize this is not how you wanted it. You start a argument to your inniconet husband for little to no reason. You start taking your drunken anger out to your child. Its not his first day of school and the teacher notices cuts and bruises.

CPS shows up and takes away your kid. So you start fighting your husband. You two divorce and now your alone. You realize how alone you are but you refuse to believe its your fault so you drink some more but its not enough.

"Ahh," You say as you lean back in your bed after sniffing a line. You think you are fine untill, *knock knock knock* Its the police. You try to run but to no avail. You are now in prison but you get out. But you turn to drugs again but one exchange did not go so well and now your six feet under. Your family knows who you were and did not show up nor mourn.

/r/RoastMe Thread Link -