It's Scrub Sunday! Ask your nooby COD Esports questions here - December 04, 2022

Watching so much competitive Esports stuff lately and starting to really get into it has got me so envious of having just a group of people to practice with in general to get better with.

How does one get a group of people together who want to try to get better and improve their skill in today’s scene? Even for just basic SnD, Headquarters; I would love to have a group of people to learn maps and get better together with I just don’t know how one even begins to form that chemistry?

There’s practice that goes into getting better I feel but there’s also a support network that needs to happen with a group for people to actually improve, everybody views things a little different and somebody could have tips and a perspective that you wouldn’t have that could help you grow as a player.

How do I find like minded people?

/r/CoDCompetitive Thread