Scumbag UBER Passenger (Ex-Taco Bell Executive)

Let's talk about hurting their case. This was probably about 12 years ago, we have a family friend, big time car guy, several vintage corvettes, nice house and vacation house, pretty nice boat, just flush with cash. Well his wife, over the course of a year or so becomes convinced he's having an affair (no evidence, but she's psycho). So she plans everything, she's going to kill him. He comes home from work on Halloween night, they have dinner, hang out, he goes to bed. She comes into the bedroom, shoots him in the chest, he manages to push her away and goes for his cell phone, but she removed the battery. He tries the house phone while still fending her off, she's disconnected the phone. She manages to shoot him again before he gets the gun from her, and runs out to the front lawn.

Keep in mind, this is Halloween night, he's out on the front lawn at like 10ish yelling for help, she comes out with a knife and stabs him a few times. Neighbors and kids doing their thing think it's all an act for Halloween, gets ignored for like 20 minutes after she goes back inside. Finally cops come, she gets arrested, he's in horrible shape but ends up recovering after a longgg time. The cops are asking our family, all his other friends about a mistress or whatever, trying to validate her claims! They took her side, but it gets better. She ends up going to prison for a few years because her lawyer somehow proved self-defense because he had hit her a few times.

Obviously they're getting divorced, but here's the kicker, the civil court wouldn't consider the criminal court's decision that she tried to murder her husband (even in self-defense). She gets the cars, the main house and the vacation house, as well as the boat....fortunately no child support because the kids were grown up but all in all what she got was worth upwards of 10 million. I've asked several law professors how it makes any sense that it got excluded from their divorce case, and I still don't get it, it was the most heartbreaking thing and just mind numbingly stupid thing I've experienced in the court system.

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