do sdac testing rooms have cameras? just did embarrassing stuff

lmfao what bruh.

without going into specifics, one of the reasons why i have sdac accommodations is because my brain works differently than others (learning disabilities) and i have a tendency of hyperfixating on tasks or situations. obviously being caught doing something embarrassing will make people cringe, but my brain tends to focus/overthink that for a VERY long time. i’m only asking because the embarrassment is making me anxious.

as for your other point, i’m not asking because i cheated. i would never cheat and there is no reason for me to cheat. the ramifications of cheating/dealing with honor code violations is way too severe to even consider cheating, especially because that also risks being able to have testing accommodations in the future as well.

i’m just posting my question on reddit to get some peace of mind for a silly little thing that i did. it’s not that serious

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