Sean Murray discusses No Man's Sky on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

I think PDP has the difficulty of being something that older folks like me don't like and are even a little annoyed by at times. (That's fine, old people are annoyed at things fairly often!)

See for me I get that young people like things that I don't and that's how the world works. Every new generation had their things that the older ones don't like, but that doesn't make that new thing bad or anything. The problem is that it's hard to accept that the world and what's cool is changing along with accepting getting older.

What does annoy me slightly is how whenever I try and talk about this people insist that I just need to find the right streamer or whatever, like it's impossible to grasp that my ancient ass isn't into their new fancy thing. Try it yourself! Talk about this and mention that you don't get anything out of it, but you're happy for those who do (exactly what I'm saying) and people will recommend a bunch of them to you!

It's interesting that despite saying that watching people play games holds literally no interest for me the immediate reaction is to try and share some videos of people playing games. I'm guessing that it makes the younger folks happy and they want to share that with me, which I figure is well intentioned and all but oh god does the badgering to watch get old!

I tried it multiple times and it didn't work for me! I'm old! When's Matlock on? Get me my applesauce and leave me be!

Back on the point though us slightly farty old people like to see someone give your new stars a hard time because it helps us cope with being old and uncool. We talk to them on very basic terms because they're doing stuff we don't always get. We laugh at them because to us it seems utterly absurd. We laugh because the world is changing around us in new and strange ways every day and laughing is the best way to deal with that.

So yeah, it's a weird line for Colbert to walk since his audience is very much split between the two sides. He's got the young people like most redditors are and the farts watching network TV to entertain with one show.

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