Searching for the Ultimate Yakuza for Trial 15.

Best of luck all, hope to see some killer performances!
1. Shut.png) it Koizumi!
I’m.png) worried about Peko, But seeing me fret over her, what that’s what breaks her…
What.png) if… she can’t handle the thought of being a burden… And… .png) [Oh!]() And don’t think I’m letting you off easy after Fuckin’ with my Sister!
2. Big.png) talk from Richie Rich here!
At.png) least I have the balls to make myself a man…
Instead.png) of coasting off Daddy’s Legacy and Bank Account…
How.png) big a “Donation” did it take for you to get here, anyway? 3. That’s.png) enough Peko…
I….png) I don’t want you jumpin’ to my defense every time.
We’re.png) peers, right?
Besides.png), I want to take that Fucker down a peg myself.
4. Tsumiki.png), It ain’t like that and you know it…
I.png) ain’t forgivin’ you outright…
But.png), groveling like that’s stupid, y’know?
5. Cut.png) the “High and Mighty” crap Naegi!
After.png) what that Bastard did, Any one of us would be ready to do this!
You.png) hear ME?! You ain’t dead til I say so, Motherfucker!

/r/DanganRoleplay Thread