Season 3 of Star Wars Rebels premieres tonight! [Official Discussion Thread]

No, you came off as completely hostile in your initial response to me. That's what I took offense to. You also assumed that I was never a fan of the EU myself.

If /u/furtivepathach felt offended by what I thought of his brother's attitude, he's welcome to take me to task over it. Except he wasn't and he didn't.

I was not referring to all "fans of the old EU". I was referring to a certain segment that is found in places like the Alliance to Restore the EU - a whiny, entitled, borderline crazy and idiotic segment that screams about how much they hate Disney and brigades discussions of Rebels and cries that they "lost money" over spending it on EU stuff because that isn't officially canon. Is that all EU fans? No, I was one of them myself. Would I refer to every prequel hater as a "whiny, entitled" person who spouts that Lucas raped their childhood? No, because not every prequel hater converses on that low of a level.

Also pointing out that something has some crap it in is "ranting"? Please. If I point out how I dislike aspects of the prequels, I am not ranting. Pointing out some instances of crappy EU novels and saying I'm glad that they are not considered to be canon on a level with the films is not ranting.

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