Take a seat, M'lady

when did i say anything about financial support for a child that the man didn't want? i agree that that fucking sucks for the man, and i don't think it's morally correct to force someone to pay for a child that they didn't want or have any sort of say in.

i think that, in this situation, government programs and taxes should help people that need child support.

not sure why you seem to think that i believe the opposite - as i've been trying to express that these situations are complicated and should be judged on a case-by-case basis instead of hard rules that unfairly affect particular people.

This line of thought is pretty dumb

kinda funny how you call me dumb for something that you said. you didn't even ask my opinion on financial support and assumed you knew already what my position was. personally, i'd call that dumber than me trying to express to you that these situations complicated.

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